How to Work with Healing Crystals and Stones
Crystals are a great way to invite positive changes into any aspect of your life. Whether you are new to crystals or ready to take your holistic healing journey to the next level, crystals are a great addition to any routine, ritual, alter, and life in general. They can help promote peace, confidence, cleansing, motivation, and more. The best part is that this can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. There are a multitude of ways to incorporate healing crystals and stones into your life and the most effective method will be whatever resonates with you (how easy is that??). The following is a few examples of how to use crystals but it is by no means a complete list. If you don’t see something here that speaks to you, that's okay. Use it as a starting point and utilize your other available resources (books, online materials, friends, etc) for ideas on how to use your crystals. If you are looking for more step-by-step guidance, check out my Beginner Crystal Healing Workshop here.

Crystals for Home Decor
Placing crystals around your home is probably the easiest method of use. Select crystals you are intuitively drawn to (in person or online) or ones you've sought out due to their metaphysical properties (like from my Crystal Index here).
To learn more about selecting stones, check out this blog post:
'How to Choose Crystals and Stones'
Some people choose large stones to have as centerpieces when decorating with Crystals. Popular choices are large towers, geodes, or clusters such as Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Citrine, Celestite and more. They are eye catching and great conversation starters. Additionally they can align the energies in your home quickly and last for long periods of time before they need to be cleansed and charged again.
If you are uncertain which stones may be right for you, I can choose for you! I offer 'Intuitively Chosen Crystal Sets' here on my site or over in my Etsy shop.
Crystal Grids
Similar to the previous method, Crystal grids can keep the energy in your home balanced. However, unlike decor, Crystal grids can be more focused and geared toward a singular cause such as blocking negative energy or encouraging motivation. Grids work by programming multiple stones to work together toward a common goal. Crystal grids can be done for temporary use and dismantled after you’re finished or they can be set up on a shelf or table and left more long term. They should be created on a cloth, wood slice, or even a sheet of paper (but preferably not just on the floor or ground).
Grids are commonly done using some sort of geometric pattern (especially sacred geometry as it is the blueprint of universal creation) but can be created in whatever pattern the you find appealing.
Pendulums and Dowsing
Crystal Pendulums (also known as Dowsing) are an ancient divination technique used to answer yes/no questions. Although dowsing can be done with rods or a forked twig, crystal pendulums are increasingly popular and consist of a stone (commonly some form of quartz such as clear, rose, or amethyst) suspended on a chain or string. A simple Etsy or Amazon search for ‘crystal pendulum’ will yield a plethora of options to choose from.
Meditating with Crystals is a great option too. Choose whichever stones are calling to you before you begin and sit with them either in your hands, on your body, or surrounding you in your special space. Doing this daily can really help you connect with your stones and get to know them and their unique energies. Additionally, it can help connect you with your higher self and inner truth. After awhile, you may gain a preference for meditating with a certain stone. For example, I love the mental clarity from meditating with my clear quartz.
Gem Elixirs
Gem Elixirs infuse water with the healing energies of stones and many argue that it even affects the flavor of their water. This can be done indirectly or directly. I wont go into much detail on the direct method (placing crystals directly into your water) since I don’t personally advocate it in my practice. Many stones are not safe for the direct method so if this is something you want to explore further, please exercise caution, good judgment, and do plenty of research first. The indirect method of making a gem elixir involves placing stones near, but not IN, a glass of water.
Balancing Chakras with Crystals
Chakra healing is another popular way to use crystals. Chakras are energy points along the body (there are 7 primary Chakras). Each one is responsible for a different aspect of human nature and when they are out of balance, the effects can manifest in a variety of ways from depression to fatigue or even physical ailments. Balancing your Chakras can be as simple or as complex as you want (meditating with them, carrying a different one each day in your pocket while you focus on that chakra, or even just placing them around your space). The easiest way to use them, in my opinion, is to lay down on your back and place the associated stone over its chakra while saying the appropriate affirmation. You can find 7 chakra crystal sets within your own collection or purchase a set specifically charged for this purpose. The sets I sell come with a stone for each chakra (7 total), an organza bag to carry them in, and a guide to chakras and crystals (including the affirmation for each). Check out more details on the set here or read more about Chakras and Crystals here.
Routines and Rituals
Crystals are a great compliment to rituals, self care routines, spells, etc. Smudging, for example, uses sage to clear negative energies and by adding crystals to your smudge routine, you greatly increase the efficiency and longevity of the cleansing (learn more about cleansing, protecting your space with Crystals and herbs in this blog post). Check out some Herb and Crystal collections here.
Crystals in the Garden
Crystals can also be placed in gardens or plant pots to increase yield and speed up plant growth and vitality. Be sure to check your crystals water solubility via the Moh's Hardness scale before placing them in with plants since the plants will need to be watered and the stones will get wet.
There are so many ways to use crystals, if you are ready for more in depth crystal healing guidance, consider checking out my beginner workshop where we cover ten methods to working with crystals over ten days (one method per day with some bonus material, no homework or grades and the lessons are yours to keep!).
I hope this blog post has been informative for you, please let me know if you have any questions by emailing me at help@crystalsandcreations.com
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